Sphinx Favicon#

A Sphinx extension to add custom favicons

With Sphinx Favicon, you can add custom favicons to your Sphinx HTML documentation.

You can define favicons directly in your conf.py, using attributes such as rel, sizes, href, or name. Sphinx Favicon creates the respective <link> or <meta> tags in your HTML output.

The Sphinx Favicon extension gives you more flexibility than the standard “favicon.ico” supported by Sphinx. Sphinx Favicon provides a quick and easy way to add the most important favicon formats for different browsers and devices.

For example, you can add support for general as well as vendor-specific favicons, including apple-touch-icon and mask-icon. See our quickstart guide to get started!

Documentation contents#

This documentation contains three sections:


Installation and basic usage


Detailed information about all configuration options and examples


Help improve Sphinx Favicon