Contribute ========== Thank you for your help improving **Sphinx Favicon**! Workflow for contributing changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We follow a typical GitHub workflow of: - Create a personal fork of this repo - Create a branch - Open a pull request - Review results of tests and linting, update code as needed - Update your PR based on feedback from code review on GitHub See the following sections for more details. Clone the repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First off, you'll need your own copy of the **Sphinx Favicon** codebase. You can clone it for local development like so: Fork the repository so you have your own copy on GitHub. See the `GitHub forking guide for more information `__. Then, clone the repository locally so that you have a local copy to work on: .. code-block:: console git clone{{ YOUR USERNAME }}/sphinx-favicon cd sphinx-favicon Then install the development version of the extension: .. code-block:: console pip install -e .[dev] This will install the Sphinx Favicon library, together with two additional tools: - `pre-commit `__ to automatically check code standards and code quality before commits. - `nox `__ to automate common development tasks. Lastly, activate the pre-commit hooks by running: .. code-block:: console pre-commit install This will install the necessary dependencies to run pre-commit every time you make a commit with Git. Use ``nox`` to manage development environments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Sphinx Favicon** uses `nox `__ to automate several development-related tasks. Currently, the project uses four automation processes (called sessions) in ````: - ``mypy``: to perform a mypy check on the codebase - ``test``: to run the test suite (using pytest and codecov) - ``docs``: to build the documentation in the ``build`` folder - ``lint``: to run the pre-commits in an isolated environment Every nox session is run in its own virtual environment, and the dependencies are installed automatically. This means you won't have to worry about installing dependencies manually or managing environments with tools like ``venv``. To run a specific nox automation process, use the following command: .. code-block:: console nox -s {{session name}} For example: ``nox -s test`` or ``nox -s docs``. Contribute to the codebase ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Any larger updates to the codebase should include tests and documentation. The tests are located in the ``tests`` folder. To run the tests locally, use the following command: .. code-block:: console nox -s test See :ref:`below ` for more information on how to update the documentation. .. _contributing-docs: Contribute to the docs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The documentation is built using `Sphinx `__ and deployed to `Read the Docs `__. The documentation sources are located in the ``docs`` folder. To build the documentation locally, use the following command: .. code-block:: console nox -s docs For each pull request, the documentation is built and deployed to make it easier to review the changes in the PR. To access the docs build from a PR, click on the "Read the Docs" preview in the CI/CD jobs.